Mikey Brackett



What I Offer



Intensives provide you with a means to actually make significant shifts in your experience of your life. We do in a time limited container what it normally takes years of therapy to accomplish…


Neurofeedback is a non-medication based intervention that provides support to your brain function. It works for so many things!


Therapy is a focused partnership. Here we join together seeking all that is possible for you as you step into your story and redefine your life!



Doing your ‘work’ is an act of courage & self-advocacy, & as such, I honor you & your process.

My goal is to provide a powerful, healing space for you. And I know how to do that.

From the first moment we connect you will get the sense that: I really understand, that I care, I see where you want to & can go, & that I know how to help you get there.

If you want something you have never had, take a risk and see what can happen as you discover you are capable of far more than you think.
